Wednesday, June 13, 2012

New Seasonal Donuts from Krispy Kreme!

Krispy Kreme has two new doughnuts, ya'll!  Take a look at the Key Lime Kreme Pie Donut and the Glazed Lemon Cake Donut with Cream Cheese Icing!  They're two of the Krispy Kreme seasonal Fruit Stand Flavor Donuts, so they will only be available for a limited time.  As a rule, I love Krispy Kreme's seasonal me they seem to be the best of the flavors.  The Key Lime Kreme Pie doughnut is no exception.  It's a traditional yeast donut, not the cake variety that I usually go for.  It's filled with a key lime flavored cream filling, and topped off with white icing and graham cracker crumbles.  Right away I noticed that the filling is much creamier than the usual Krispy Kreme filling.  The traditional pastry combined with the tangy lime filling make for a donut that is both tart and sweet.  Since I'm not a sugar fiend, it was just perfect.  Definitely worth going back for. 

The other seasonal offering by Krispy Kreme is the Glazed Lemon Cake Donut with Cream Cheese Icing.  It consists of a glazed lemon cake donut topped with cream cheese icing and lemon cake crumbles.  I'm a huge fan of lemon cake, so I was delighted by this one.  It was very moist, and very lemony.  The cream cheese icing was just sweet enough, and the lemon cake crumbles added a nice little texture.  The Glazed Lemon Cake Donut with Cream Cheese Icing will definitely satisfy your cravings for a lemony dessert this summer.  But if I HAD to choose just one (and honestly, why would you?), it would be the Key Lime Kreme Donut for me.  But with these two new flavors, you really can't go wrong.  But get 'em while you can.  They're only here until July 8th!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Oreo Fudge Cremes

This question was posed to me last week..Are the new Oreo Fudge Cremes good enough to make you shout, "Shut the front door!", like in the commercial?  Before I tell you what I thought of them, you need to know that I am a HUGE fan of the traditional Oreo cookie.  I am not like most Oreo-lovers, though.  While I do eat the cream out of the cookie first, I do it not because the cream is the best part.  I like to save the cookies to eat last, because to me they are the best damn cookie in the world.  I love that crispy texture, and I adore that they are not overly sweet.  That being said, I wasn't really crazy about the Oreo Fudge Cremes.  They were, in my humble opinion, too sweet.  I could only eat two of them.  My sons, ages 12 and 15, gave them an 8 out of 10.  They are VERY rich and sugary, so if you like that, you will love these.  Also keep in mind that I tried the traditional flavor.  I understand that they also come in Mint Creme (which I imagine tastes just like a Girl Scout Cookie...amazing), Peanut Butter Creme, and Golden Creme.  I may try those later, but as for the Fudge Creme Oreos....MEH.  They were okay, but I probably won't buy them again, unless the kids want them. 

Now for the BIG discovery.  Right next to the Fudge Creme Oreos, I found....wait for it....wait for it....yes!!!  TRIPLE DOUBLE OREOS!  OMG!!!  Imagine, if you will, a delicious dark chocolate cookie, topped with traditional Oreo cream.  On top of that, as usual, is another crispy chocolate cookie.  On top of THAT, is a layer of luscious chocolate Oreo cream.  Then add one more chocolate cookie, and you're in Oreo heaven!  It's like a Big Mac sort of Oreo.  AMAZING!  And although they did not have them in my local Food Lion store yet, I have read that these will also come in a Neopolitan variety, with golden cookies, and chocolate and strawberry cream layers.  Why have I not seen commercials for these fantastic confections?  The Oreo marketing execs have dropped the ball on this one.  Whereas I could only eat a couple of the Fudge Creme Oreos, I could have eaten six or seven of these!  They WILL make you shout, "Shut the front door!" 

Friday, June 8, 2012

Budget Saver Monster Pops

Hey Ya'll!!!

I don't know if ya'll have noticed it, but there is a new trend in frozen confections going on right now.  Gourmet popsicles are all the rage, and you can find them everywhere.  Last week, during a nasty heat wave here in North Carolina, I got a hankering for popsicles.  I was in our local Wal-Mart when I spotted a bag of Budget Saver Monster Pops, only $2 for 12 popsicles.  The Lemon-Lime flavor is what caught my's always been a favorite of mine.  So I took them home and my son and I both grabbed one.  We sat on the couch, bit into them at the same time, and then looked at each other all bug-eyed as the taste hit us.  These things are GOOOOOD!  They're not quite icy, but not quite creamy.  I looked at the bag, and saw that they are "slushed" popsicles.  I don't know quite how they got that great texture, but I am HOOKED!  We polished off the Lemon-Lime bag in a week, and recently went back to Wal-Mart to get a bag of the Cherry-Pineapple varety.  Three words, folks....TO DIE FOR.  They also come in Cherry-Mango flavor.  Haven't tried that one yet 'cause I'm not a big fan of mango, but I'm SURE they're crazy good.  They have 60-70 calories per popsicle, with no fat.  Reasonably priced and super-tasty, Budget Saver Monster Pops are an awesome heat buster at my house! 

Happy Testing!

Duncan Hines Frosting Creations

Hey Ya'll!!!

I really hate to do this, but my first product review is gonna have to be a negative one.  It's about the new Duncan Hines product, "Frosting Creations".  I saw this in my local Food Lion store, and was really excited about it.  For about a dollar, you get a can of "base" frosting.  It's pretty much a blank slate, to which you add a flavoring packet, which also costs about a dollar.  The flavors are pretty varied, with tastes like Cotton Candy, Caramel, Mint Chocolate, and Orange Creme (the one I tried).  I immediately took my new purchase home and started baking.  I made sure my cake was completely cooled before I even opened the frosting.  You're supposed to mix the flavoring pack into the base frosting, and voila!  You have a gourmet-flavored frosting for your cake.  After mixing the frosting, I noticed that it had a very strange texture, kinda slimy to be exact.  When I pulled the knife out of the frosting, there were these strands of frosting that hung onto the knife.  Not appetizing at all.  I put it on the cake anyway, and it had a glossy, gooey texture.  It tasted pretty good, very much like a Dreamsicle, but a little too sweet for my liking.  I atrribute that to personal taste, though.  My main complaint was about the texture.  Within just a couple of hours, the top layer of my 2-layer cake had started to sliiiiiide off.  And yes, it WAS completely cooled...I made that mistake with my very first cake, thank you.  The frosting was just too slippery and hold the top layer in place.  I imagine about a dozen toothpicks might have helped, or I could have stored the cake in the refrigerator, but that's just not how we like our frosting here in the South.  I emailed Duncan Hines about my experience, and had a response within an hour.  They were very nice, and will be sending me a coupon as reimbursement, even though I didn't ask for it.  With my next cake, I'll go back to making my own homemade frosting.  

Happy Testing!